
Hollywood Hegemony has moved

To all the readers still hanging on, thank you so much for your support over the years. I am writing this because I have launched a new project, Indy Film Library.

New posts (you may have noticed) have therefore ceased on this page. Some of the old content you loved has migrated to that site, and I now make new Hollywood Hegemony posts there too. You can find all the new articles and insights here.

Indy Film Library also has the exciting bonus of releasing reviews of independent films you won’t hear about anywhere else – and hosting an annual film festival. For tickets to our next event in Amsterdam, or online, visit our the tickets section of the Indy Film Library website.

Stay safe out there, and we hope to hear from you over on Indy Film Library soon!

news Polemic

This is really Dumbo

I can’t believe this is happening. And I don’t mean that in a breathless, wide-eyed, sweaty-palmed Buzzfeed fanboy sort of way. I mean it in a “I think you’re all a bit wretched for having encouraged this from Disney” sort of way.

I sure done seen near everything, but I ain’t never seen a Disney film handle racism well.

So remember when I joked, jokingly, that no Disney executive could ever be dumb enough to attempt a live-action remake of Dumbo? You know, as a joke? WELL, do I have some news for you.